Case Study

Digital Transformation through AWS Partnership for Voith Drive.

Executive Summary.

Voith Drive applications are comprised of a wide range of web-based courses whose industry-specific and customizable contents offer a valuable tool set for upskilling employees at every stage of a company’s digital transformation.

Why Outcloud?

Out.Cloud was selected as the ideal partner for Voith Drive’s digital transformation, primarily due to our proficiency in developing and maintaining infrastructure using AWS Services and numerous DevOps tools. Throughout daily engagements, Out.Cloud has continuously helped Voith Drive understand how to best utilize specific tools and services to address challenges that arise during the infrastructure implementation and application development.


The implementation was highly successful, yielding several positive outcomes. These included efficient infrastructure management, streamlined CI/CD pipelines, enhanced performance and scalability, simplified infrastructure configuration, and improved overall efficiency and user experience. Voith Drive now enjoys an optimized digital transformation journey, thanks to the strategic partnership with Out.Cloud and their use of AWS Services and various DevOps tools.

The Project:

Out.Cloud was tasked with optimizing Voith Drive’s infrastructure management, automating their CI/CD pipeline, and enhancing their resource monitoring and performance. This holistic approach was aimed at facilitating Voith Drive’s digital transformation effectively.


Voith Drive faced several challenges:

  • Complexity of AWS Services
  • Infrastructure Orchestration and Automation
  • CI/CD Pipeline Configuration
  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting
  • Security and Access Management
  • Integration Compatibility


Out.Cloud recommended a robust solution that involved continuous learning and staying updated with AWS services. Tools like Terraform and Packer were utilized for infrastructure management and deployment, while Datadog was employed to monitor resource performance.


The implementation brought numerous benefits:

Infrastructure Management: Automated deployment of applications on AWS Console, saving time and cost.

CI/CD Pipeline Implementation: Automation of repository management and deployments, following best practices.

Monitoring and Performance Optimization: Effective resource monitoring through Datadog and Slack, ensuring adherence to the Service Level Objectives (SLO) contract.